1% of all proceeds go to nami (National alliance On mental illness)
Lynn's Credentials
CPD Provider Certificate
A commitment to continuous learning and adaptation when new coaching methods arise for the best client results.
Insight Coaching & Professional Business Building Certificate
Intensive training program designed to elevate coaching expertise and enable better sessions for clients.
Millionaire Business School Certificate
MBS is an in-depth training program hosted by Peter Sage. Lynn completed exercises to better serve clients and create a fulfilling atmosphere at New Wave Potential.
New Wave Potential
Guiding you to achieve all you want in this life - personally, professionally, and spiritually.
© New Wave Potential 2024. A sector of Shakluv LLC. All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER: While some of our coaches are licensed medical doctors and counselors, the services and advice any of our coaches provide through New Wave Potential are not intended to be taken as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns or before making significant changes to your healthcare regimen.